Micro Theory Reading Group


Date Speaker Paper
July 3 Ji Yonghang Fong, Yuk-Fai, and Jin Li. "Information revelation in relational contracts." The Review of Economic Studies 84.1 (2016): 277-299.
July 10 Tong Xiao Abdulkadiroğlu, Atila, and Tayfun Sönmez. "School choice: A mechanism design approach." American Economic Review 93.3 (2003): 729-747.
July 17 Lin Yuting Milgrom, Paul, and Joshua Mollner. "Equilibrium selection in auctions and high stakes games." Econometrica 86.1 (2018): 219-261.
July 24 He Changzhe Akbarpour, Mohammad, Shengwu Li, and Shayan Oveis Gharan. "Thickness and information in dynamic matching markets." Journal of Political Economy 128.3 (2020): 783-815.
July 31 Minxing Huang Chen, Yan, and Onur Kesten. "Chinese college admissions and school choice reforms: A theoretical analysis." Journal of Political Economy 125.1 (2017): 99-139.
August 7 Xu Guo Satyanath, Shanker, Nico Voigtländer, and Hans-Joachim Voth. "Bowling for fascism: Social capital and the rise of the Nazi Party." Journal of Political Economy 125.2 (2017): 478-526.
August 14 Zhao Chunyu Basteck, Christian, and Marco Mantovani. "Cognitive ability and games of school choice." Games and Economic Behavior 109 (2018): 156-183.
August 21 Tong Xiao Lederer, Phillip J., and Arthur P. Hurter Jr. "Competition of firms: Discriminatory pricing and location." Econometrica (1986): 623-640.
August 28 Ji Yonghang Che, Yeon-Koo, and Johannes Hörner. "Recommender systems as mechanisms for social learning." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 133.2 (2018): 871-925.
September 4 Zhao Chunyu Pycia, Marek, and M. Utku Ünver. "Incentive compatible allocation and exchange of discrete resources." Theoretical Economics 12.1 (2017): 287-329.
September 11 Lin Yuting Board, Simon. "Durable-goods monopoly with varying demand." The Review of Economic Studies 75.2 (2008): 391-413.
September 18 Xu Guo Bailey, Michael, et al. "The economic effects of social networks: Evidence from the housing market." Journal of Political Economy 126.6 (2018): 2224-2276.
September 25 He Changzhe Fershtman, Daniel, and Alessandro Pavan. "Matching auctions." The RAND Journal of Economics 53.1 (2022): 32-62.
October 2 Minxing Huang Wu, Binzhen, and Xiaohan Zhong. "Matching mechanisms and matching quality: Evidence from a top university in China." Games and Economic Behavior 84 (2014): 196-215.