Incentive-compatible public transportation fares with random inspection
with Chiu Yu Ko
May 2022
Designing Heaven's Will: The job assignment in the Chinese imperial civil service
with Li Chen
September 2021
Strategic Responses to Personalized Pricing and Demand for Privacy: An Experiment
with Li Chen and Rustamdjan Hakimov
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 148, Pages 487-516 (2024)
Generalized Cumulative Offer Processes [Pre-Print PDF]
with Jörgen Kratz and Makoto Shimoji
Review of Economic Design, Volume 28, pages 573–591, (2024)
Racial and income-based affirmative action in higher education admissions: lessons from the Brazilian experience [arXiv]
with Rodrigo Zeidan, Silvio Luiz de Almeida, and Neil Lewis, Jr.
Journal of Economic Surveys, Volume 38, Issue 3, Pages 956-972 (2024)
Media Coverage: The Conversation, Voice of America, Mississipi Free Press, The Brazilian Report
Pick-an-object Mechanisms [arXiv]
with Rustamdjan Hakimov
Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 7, Pages 4167-4952 (2024)
Assignment Maximization [arXiv]
with Mustafa Oguz Afacan and Bertan Turhan
Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 123-138 (2023)
Strategy-proof Popular mechanisms [arXiv]
with Mustafa Oguz Afacan
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 102 (2022)
The Iterative Deferred Acceptance Mechanism [SSRN]
with Rustamdjan Hakimov
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 135, Pages 411-433 (2022)
College admissions with multidimensional reserves: the Brazilian affirmative action case [SSRN]
with Orhan Aygün
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 1-28 (2021)
Media Coverage: AEA Research Highlights, Folha de S. Paulo (1), Folha de S. Paulo (2), Folha de S. Paulo (3), Vox Lacea, Big Think, Nexo, Al Roth's Blog
Competitive Screening and Information Transmission [Pre-print PDF]
with Chiu Yu Ko
Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 407-437 (2021)
with Azar Abizada
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 186, Pages 576-591 (2021)
Iterative Versus Standard Deferred Acceptance: Experimental Evidence
with Rustamdjan Hakimov
The Economic Journal, Volume 130, Issue 626, Pages 356–392 (2020)
Strategic Schools under the Boston Mechanism Revisited [Pre-print PDF]
with C.-Philipp Heller
Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 48, Issue 3, Pages 545-572 (2017)
Fair Implementation of Diversity in School Choice [Pre-print PDF]
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 97, Pages 54-63 (2016)
with Jaime Sichman and Diego Queiroz
Revue D’intelligence Artificielle, Volume 25,no. 1, Pages 69–82 (2011)
Utilizando Desenho de Mercados no Design do Concurso Público Nacional Unificado
with Frederico de Morais Andrade Coutinho and Pedro Assumpção Alves
In A Saga do CPNU: Inovação em serviços públicos e transformação do estado para a cidadania, organized by José Celso Cardoso Jr. and Rosicleide Ramos Alves.
Publisher: Repú, Rio de Janeiro (2025), Pages 122-150.
with Adriano Senkevics
Media Coverage: O Globo (1), O Globo (2), Folha de S. Paulo, Nexo, Inep, Al Roth's Blog
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